I write profiles of big, difficult human problems through the constraints of a narrow subject. I find that a really tight prism helps shine new light on old topics. In this way I’ve explored mortality through motion sickness, playing God through genetics, and greed through data.
The ‘Geno-Economists’ Say DNA Can Predict Our Chances of Success
Their methods may be naïve, offensive or both, but all agree: multigene testing will lead to social upheaval.
Forensic science meets computer animation - in the courtroom. Crime-scene reconstruction will never be the same.
For psychologists, the sitcom star is the perfect research proxy for a schizophrenic person. Now they’re filming their own episodes of his show.
Why Data, Not Privacy, is the Real Danger
"Privacy as we normally think of it doesn’t matter. What these companies are doing is building little models, little avatars, little voodoo dolls of you.”
Download a list of recent publications here.
I’ve also written for Popular Science, Architecture, and many others. For additional clips, please get in touch.